Your Creston (Creston,Nelson, Wynndel, Erickson, Yahk, ) area contact is Barbie Wheaton RE/MAX RHC Realty. Please refer to the “Relocating to Creston” section to the right for the phone number, address, website, and email address to contact Sara L. Malyk directly “RE/MAX Creston”. Ask about the RE/MAX MLS real estate homes for sale including residential houses, apartments, condos, townhouses, duplexes, acreages and farms.
Barbie has shown great success in sharing her love and knowledge of the area to both Buyers and Sellers.
Barbie's priority when working with her clients is to listen carefully, design a plan of action, then work hard until her clients goals have been met.
Integrity and ethics are Barbie's highest priority, and this has helped to bring her to a level of unprecedented success!
She has earned multiple awards, a bonus when being able to work at a career that she loves every day!
Call, text, or email her at any time with your real estate questions or needs