Your Bridgetown (Middleton, Kingston, Greenwood, Cornwallis) RE/MAX area contact is Bruce Hutchinson RE/MAX Banner Real Estate Please refer to the “Relocating to Bridgetown” section to the right for the phone number, address, website, and email address to contact Bruce Hutchinson directly. Ask about the RE/MAX MLS real estate homes for sale including residential houses, apartments,townhouses, condos, duplexes, acreages and farms.
Bruce In his 34th year, working the same small town Nova Scotia market as a full-time REALTORĀ®.
Experience counts! Proud parent of 3, He enjoys the wonderful outdoors, his backyard, time at the lake
He is also volunteering as a firefighter to protect the community, people and the homes he lists and sells.
Bruce specializes in Buyer Brokerage
He can help you with every aspect of buying or selling your home because He is experienced, because he is professional . . .and because he cares.