Your Tofino area contact is Judy Gray RE/MAX Mid-Island Realty. Please refer to the “Relocating to Tofino” section to the right for the phone number, address, website, and email address to contact Judy Gray directly RE/MAX Tofino. Ask about the RE/MAX MLS real estate homes for sale including residential houses, apartments, condos, townhouses, duplexes, acreages and farms.
The Judy Gray name is synonymous with integrity, perseverance, and professionalism.
Licensed as a REALTOR® in 1992, Judy then earned her Canadian Real Estate Specialist Certification (CRES), studied to achieve her Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) and Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist (CLHMS)
She has ranked in the Top 10 Small Teams for RE/MAX in Canada, Top 30 Small Teams Worldwide, achieved the Diamond Club Award for consecutive years, received the Hall of Fame Award in 2002, Lifetime Achievement Award in 2005, and was presented with the Circle of Legends Award in 2020.
Judy co-owns and co-manages three RE/MAX offices in Port Alberni, Tofino, and Ucluelet.
After three decades on the Coast, Judy has an inherent knowledge of the developmental history of the area, By-Laws and Official Community Plans, and – most importantly – she knows the people.