Sandy Weir

RE/MAX Banner Real Estate


RE/MAX Banner Real Estate 284 Main Street Middleston, NS B0S1P0

Bus Phone


Direct Phone




Your Annapolis Royal (Annapolis Royal, Bridgetown, Cornwallis, Digby, Middleton) RE/MAX area contact is Sandy Weir RE/MAX Banner. Please refer to the “Relocating to Annapolis Royal” section to the right for the phone number, address, website, and email address to contact Sandy Weir directly. Ask about the RE/MAX MLS real estate homes for sale including residential houses, apartments, townhouses, condos, duplexes, acreages and farms.
She has lived in the Annapolis Valley all her life and very dedicated to helping buyers and sellers that need the services of a relator.

She has lived in the Annapolis Valley all her life and very dedicated to helping buyers and sellers that need the services of a relator.

She has lived in the Annapolis Valley all her life and very dedicated to helping buyers and sellers that need the services of a relator.

She enjoys helping new residents adapt to area and every client She has sold homes to, has been more than happy.

Sandy specializes in House Property

She is involved in Civic Activities like Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation

Feel free to contact her if you have any questions