Your Sundre (Cremonia, Water Valley, Caroline) area contact is Shelley Kohut REMAX Aca Realty Estate Please refer to the “Relocating to Sundre” section to the right for the phone number, address, website, and email address to contact Shelley Kohut directly at RE/MAX Aca Realty
Ask about the RE/MAX MLS homes for sale including residential houses, apartments, townhouses, condos, duplexes, acreages and farms.
a full time Realtor servicing the County of Mountain View and surrounding areas for over 25 years! 23 years with RE/MAX!
She has earned numerous sales awards including 100% Club for the numerous years, Platinum award for the last few years, and performance awards over the years including the RE/MAX Lifetime achievement award and annually for 15 years now has earned the 100% RE/MAX club award.
She like to see herself more as an educator than a sales person and believe that by giving her clients the information they need to make a decision when buying or selling property that She can provide the best of service!
She is licenced with the RE/MAX ACA REALTY from their Olds location
Thinking of selling your home? She provides Complimentary, No Obligation Market Evaluations or you can Complete the on-line submission form